Yamim Noraim 2021
Yamim Noraim 2021
«This site was made in honor to the bat mitzvah of Reya Pincus (6 Elul, 5781). Parashat Ki Tetze»
It is curious that the most important days of the Jewish calendar are called Yamim Noraim, «Terrible days» or «Days of fear».
Although that is the literal translation, the word norá is linked to irá, which means “reverential fear”, it depends on us what meaning we give to what happens in our lives on those special days.
Discover the materials that we prepare for you for each festivity:
Agradecemos la colaboración de Alejandro Bloch, Mónica Bloch, Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger, Gastón Bogomolni, Saúl Borowsky, Ari Burstein, Norman Cohen Falah, Aliza Eskenazi, Pablo Gabe, Leandro Galanternik, Alejandro Giudice, Sebastián Grimberg, Marcela Guralnik, Jonathan Kohan, Fernando Lapiduz, Tomás Münzer, Judith Nowominski, Joaquín Mirkin, Ana Metallino, Giselle Odiz, Claudio Pincus, Patricia Plesel, Claudio Pszemiarower, Eliana Mizrahi, Elías Rosemberg, Jonathan Sacks, Ariel Stofenmacher, Federico Surijón, Meir Szames, Dafna Telezón, Fernanda Tomchinsky, Roberto Volpe, Horacio Sherem, Diego Vovchuk, Ernesto Yattah y Nicole Zelerkraut.
También agradecemos a las siguientes organizaciones: Pincus Centre for Innovation in Education, Rabbinical Assembly, Jewish Theological Seminary, Hartman Institute, Proyecto 929, Comunidad Nueva Bnei Israel, Tali y Hadar Institute.
Con el apoyo de Masorti AmLat y Masorti Olami.