Yamim Noraim 2021

Yamim Noraim 2021

«This site was made in honor to the bat mitzvah of Reya Pincus (6 Elul, 5781). Parashat Ki Tetze»

It is curious that the most important days of the Jewish calendar are called Yamim Noraim, «Terrible days» or «Days of fear».

Although that is the literal translation, the word norá is linked to irá, which means “reverential fear”, it depends on us what meaning we give to what happens in our lives on those special days.

First of all, it is worth explaining to which period we refer specifically: Yamim Noraim is called the festivities of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur, and the ten days of teshuvah that separate them (or, rather, unite them). Also included within these days are the last month of the Jewish calendar, the month of Elul, in which we carry out a cheshbon hanefesh, a balance of the soul, an evaluation of our life in the year that is leaving.

It is not, then, a simple matter of translation, but rather of choosing the meaning that best measures and guides our attitude in these decisive days. The difference will lie in whether we prepare to accept a passive role in our destiny or make a leading decision that reflects our free will.

If the connotation of «the terrible» prevails, the review of our actions will be conditioned by an external and decisive perspective, which exceeds us. What we did and what we did not do may never meet expectations. Rosh HaShanah as Yom HaDin, Yom Kippur as atonement, the request to be inscribed in the Book of Life, all instances that leave us in suspense, waiting to be accepted and accepted to continue on our way.

If we include within the nuance of the interpretation the idea of ​​the mobilizing that the very term “irá” entails, the focus will reside on how well we will be in the balance of what, after all, is our life. The days of teshuvah will not end in the idea of ​​»repentance» as the term can be translated, if not «introspection», of asking ourselves the questions that we know we should ask ourselves. The idea of ​​»return» illustrates this clearly, and I mean that of the voice, not only when retracing our steps: how difficult it is to sing when we do not hear well how we are heard; therefore, we ask for a return to return to the axis, to find the balance.

This second interpretation, which is the one I propose to you, includes even more God than the first. Kevakarat roé edró maavir tzono tajat shivtó …, «… as a shepherd who counts his cattle, making him pass under his staff», we will recite with emotion in the tefillah of Unetané Tokef. The voices are raised that see our people as a flock judged from the heights of the heavenly throne …, nothing further. In this period that finds us moved, we need even more the accompaniment, the patience, the educational gaze of the Kadosh Baruj Hú, to begin a new year with energy, with renewed airs, with the desire to improve ourselves and improve the world.

Rabina Déborah Rosenberg

When does each jag start and end? Here we prepare an interactive map so you can know when is the day and the lighting of candles for each holiday, according to your country.

Make this beginning of the year something wonderful. In this guide you will quickly know all the content that we have prepared so that you can celebrate the High Holidays with your family:

How and when to blow the Shofar in the High Holidays? Listen to the sounds every morning of the month of Elul and wake up to our spiritual balance. Here we bring you a tutorial:

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Recommendations of the Law and Standards Committee of the Rabbinical Assembly:

Discover the materials that we prepare for you for each festivity:



Agradecemos la colaboración de Alejandro Bloch, Mónica Bloch, Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger, Gastón Bogomolni, Saúl Borowsky, Ari Burstein, Norman Cohen Falah, Aliza Eskenazi, Pablo Gabe, Leandro Galanternik, Alejandro Giudice, Sebastián Grimberg, Marcela Guralnik, Jonathan Kohan, Fernando Lapiduz, Tomás Münzer, Judith Nowominski, Joaquín Mirkin, Ana Metallino, Giselle Odiz, Claudio Pincus, Patricia Plesel, Claudio Pszemiarower, Eliana Mizrahi, Elías Rosemberg, Jonathan Sacks, Ariel Stofenmacher, Federico Surijón, Meir Szames, Dafna Telezón, Fernanda Tomchinsky, Roberto Volpe, Horacio Sherem, Diego Vovchuk, Ernesto Yattah y Nicole Zelerkraut.

También agradecemos a las siguientes organizaciones: Pincus Centre for Innovation in Education, Rabbinical Assembly, Jewish Theological Seminary, Hartman Institute, Proyecto 929, Comunidad Nueva Bnei Israel, Tali y Hadar Institute.

Con el apoyo de Masorti AmLat y Masorti Olami.