Official Launching

«Center for Ethics»

at Rome

February 12-15, 2024

The Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano and Isaac Abarbanel University Institute (IUIA) invite you to a four-day mission in Rome for the official launching of its Center for Ethics to discuss contemporary dilemmas and engage deeply with possible solutions and actions. In this significant context, Rabbi Dr. Analía Bortz, and Dr. Carlos Regazzoni will be presented as its inaugural fellows.

During this trip, attendees will also be honored to participate in the Assembly «Human: Meanings and Challenges», organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life.

Pontifical Academy for Life Programme:

  • Annual Conference “Human: Meanings and Challenges”, focusing on human ethics for universal peace.

The summit includes a Papal Audience, panels, and workshops with distinguished speakers from all over the world, related to the following issues: The human being in the techno-scientific age; Human Originality and Responsibility; From domination to responsibility: rethinking human centrism; Body and soul, heart and conscience, mind, and will. Opening and closing remarks by Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano and Isaac Abarbanel University Institute (IUIA) activities:

  • Visit and homage at the Fosse Ardeatine
  • Cultural workshop: Fori Imperiali, Jewish Rome, Arch of Titus
  • Center for Ethics presentation
  • Encounter with Roman Jewish authorities at the Comunitá Ebraica di Roma
  • The signing of the “Buenos Aires Declaration for Latin America”, favoring life and human care, opposing all forms of cruelty, hatred, international terrorism, and war.

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    Inaugural Fellows

    Dr. Carlos  Regazzoni is an Argentine physician and politician. He graduated and received his doctorate from the University of Buenos Aires, specializing in internal medicine. He holds a diploma in philosophical studies from the Austral University and Biostatistics from the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. He was awarded the Eisenhower Fellowship in 2004.

    Analia Bortz is a medical doctor with postdoctoral studies in bioethics. She is one the first female Latin American rabbis ordained in Jerusalem at the Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in 1994.
    She helped create the Bioethics Committees in Chile and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, founded the Jewish Fertility Foundations of Atlanta and «Hope for Seeds» for couples struggling with infertility and sterility, and co-founded «BaKeN (in the Nest): «בריאות-קהילה-נפש» an initiative to create positive and loving enforcement for those with mental health illness and for caregivers who support them, combating the societal stigmatization of mental illness.

    Who is it for

    Rabbis, Interested in Judaic studies, interested in Interfaith Dialogue, Interfaith Representatives, Ministers of different cults, lay people with training in general religious culture, members of the Jewish Community, and Ethics and Bioethics Professionals.

    Language requirements:

    • English (compulsory)
    • Italian (not compulsory)


    • Academy for Life Conference «Human: Meanings and Challenges» (full itinerary) – Papal Audience, panels, and workshops led by Academy for Life.
    • Academy for Life Conference “Human: Meanings And Challenges” (full itinerary)
    • Diploma award ceremony for scholars of the Hebrew Manuscripts of the Vatican Library Study Program
    • Visit and homage at the Fosse Ardeatine
    • Visit Social Action and Interfaith experiences at Corviale with Università degli Studi La Sapienza.
    • Cultural workshop: Fori Imperiali, Jewish Rome, Arch of Titus
    • Center for Ethics presentation
    • The signing of the Buenos Aires Declaration
    • Encounter with Roman Jewish authorities at the Comunitá Ebraica di Roma
    • Shabbat celebration and dinner at the Ghetto.